Monday, April 15, 2013

Motivation Monday - Get up and Go

How you ever had such an inspirational moment occur that you felt obligated to share it with everyone? Something so moving, it redefined your idea of dedication, drive and ability?

Last week, I was lucky enough to witness one of these moments and I couldn't help but smile all day long. I now want to share it with all of you. I had started my day as I always do, meeting two friends for a 6:30am run before I taught a spin class. We were running one of our regular routes that passes by one of our friend's house who also runs with us. About 5 minutes before we reached her house, we decided to text her that we were running by and to join us. We did this jokingly thinking she would read it when she woke up and laugh about it. Instead, 30 seconds later, she texted back saying - give me 3 minutes and I will join you. We thought she was messing with us but as we arrived at her house she responded again saying she needed 30 seconds more and she would be out. We stopped for a second wondering if she was actually serious and sure enough, we see her fly out her front door carrying she shoes and screaming "woo-hoo" She put her shoes on as she ran down her driveway with her backpack full of her work stuff. She laughed as she told us how she was still in bed when she got our text but couldn't pass up this opportunity to run with us so she jumped out of bed,  threw her work clothes and tooth brush in her bag and came out to join us. I was absolutely amazed and shocked! What a champ -waking up to a text, getting up and out the door to run in less than 5 minutes! She is an inspiration to all! I know many people who would never be able to hop out of bed to run especially without any notice. Her spirit was even more impressive. Not only was she willing to run, but she was cheery, smiling and ready for any challenge we were going to throw at her :) We finished our run up a giant hill with everyone cheering each other on. I couldn't have asked for a better start to my day!

We share this story with you in hopes that it motivates you to get up and go. Often we make things more complicated and stressful than they need to be and get caught up with in schedules and routines. Change and transitions are hard for us if we are used to our daily/weekly regiments. Being spontaneous seems impossible and crazy but it may be just the thing we need. Our minds can come up with a million excuses for why we can't do something but if we step back and actually take a moment to think about it, we probably can. Why do we create barriers for the things we know we need to do. Instead of thinking about why you can't or shouldn't or stressing about your schedule being altered, we challenge you to get up and go. As Nike puts it, "Just Do It!" Sometime this week, do something spontaneous and get your friends to join in the fun too!

Get Fit For Anything,
D & K

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