Monday, April 22, 2013

Motivational Monday ~ A Tragedy For Our Fitness Community And Beyond!

Today, we wanted to take a moment to recognize the tragic event that occurred last Monday during the Boston Marathon. It came as a shock to us all when the two explosions went off near the finish line just over four hours after the start of the race. Devastation, grief and horror immediately set in amongst the racers, spectators and across America. It was a heartbreaking and grim day that we will never forget. Our hearts go out to all of those and their loved ones that were affected by the attack. The Boston marathon is a significant day for many athletes and runners, but it also has a special place in the hearts of most, if not, all Bostonians. It is referred to as "Marathon Monday" and occurs on Patriot's Day every year. Businesses and schools observe this holiday in remembrance of the first battle of the American Revolution and many have made a tradition to going to watch and cheer on the runners.  This year's race began like every other year but ended quite differently. We have to be grateful more people weren't hurt during this horrific tragedy and come together to support one another more than ever.

We ask everyone to take a few moments this week and send positive thoughts to the families of the victims and dedicate one of their workouts or meditations to them. If you are a runner, dedicate the next 26.2 miles you run whether it be at once or over 10 days. Also, try to think about ways we can keep our community safe and free from these types of violence. We each have a role to play in the world, if we each do our part, we will succeed as one!

Our thoughts are with Boston,
D & K

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