Monday, May 20, 2013

Motivation Monday ~ Thinking Positively & Take A Risk

Good Morning!

I want to take a moment to give Drew credit for the inspiration that led me to write this post. He never gives up on himself or his dreams and continually challenges me to grow, develop and never settle for less than my best. I can always count on him to push me to break down the barriers holding me back. Thank you for being the best business partner someone could ask for!

This week we encourage everyone to think positively no matter how hard it might be. We all have times in our lives where we feel it can't get worse and then it does. During these times, we must remember to keep perspective and recognize that "this too shall pass." In each moment of our lives, we have the ability to choose how we react to a situation. We can either focus on the negative or look for the positive. Rather than negating yourself, take the optimistic perspective and think about the "up side" that can come from it. Although you should always follow the boy scout motto "be prepared" and maintain a realistic point of view, you can hope for the best.

Our challenge for you this week is to take a risk and ask yourself "what if it goes according to plan and works out?" Be the person you want to be and don't let anything stop you!

Take the leap of faith!

Get Fit For It,
D & K

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