Monday, June 10, 2013

Motivational Monday ~ Being Your Own Advocate

We hope you have all had a great weekend! We are starting the week off with some words of wisdom from Drew about being your own advocate. Please read the advice he has to offer you.


Something that I'm very thankful was taught to me at an early age is being your own advocate. Being armed with the tools and, more importantly, the mentality to be your own advocate is paramount to living a successful life. Aka knowing how to get what you want by expressing that want.

One of Get Fit For It's friends has a horrible boss. This horrible boss piles on unmanageable amounts of work, micro-manages her time, and belittles her ideas/achievements (three of the absolute worst practices for effective leadership). I proposed speaking to her about it, or at least anticipating her behaviors and arming herself with responses that she could reply immediately (without taking the time to think about them on the spot, get nervous, and maybe bite her tongue). But a wise woman (Eleanor Roosevelt) once said, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent", and this friend was allowing her boss to treat her this way by not effectively being her own advocate.

Yes, sometimes people can go overboard and be an obnoxious brat about getting their way (aren't we all guilty of this sometimes? Oh, just me… ?) but not enough advocacy is equally annoying. Have you ever hung out with that person that just "goes with the flow" uncompromisingly and, after a while, you start to lose sight of who they really are and what they really like because sometimes they just do things to appease the masses. One of my pet peeves, for sure.  Just tell me what you want so we can compromise!

Usually, people flock together because of their commonalities in opinion and/or activities, but differences are okay. People often think that being a "yes man" and agreeing all the time or being "so sorry" when they disagree is the way to behave, but true friends neutrally accept differences.

Whether it's verbalizing a workout you want to do/try or asking your boss for that time off you've been yearning practice being your own advocate! Start small, think big.

At the end of the day, the old adage is true- the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

Get Fit For It,
D & K

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