Monday, June 17, 2013

Motivational monday ~ Building Your Risk Capital

Happy Monday!

We want to take a few moments to inspire you to build your risk capital. We hope you make an effort to work on this over the day, week and rest of your life...

Taking risks can be good or bad, but either way it's important to be comfortable being risky.

A wise self-help guru (totally blanking on the name) once called a way to achieve this level of comfort as building your risk capital, i.e. being risky in small stakes, low risk situations to be ready for the big leagues. There can be several ways to build your risk capital, whether it be flirting with a stranger online (strange, I know, but true) or sharing an unformed idea with a friend for feedback. Expanding your comfort zone- personally, professionally, in fitness, etc- can be extremely beneficial (and knowing how to do so is even more important).

If it helps, ask yourself "what's the worst thing that can happen?" (and then ask yourself "really?" because I don't think 99% of scenarios will end in homelessness and/or death). If the worst thing that happens is causing a little tension or losing a little time it may just be worth it.

If you feel a little nervous AND really excited about something (nerves are good, people!) then it's probably worth pursuing. So go out, venture for success, be bold, and embrace risks- all the greats do it, why can't you?

Get Fit For It,
D & K

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