Friday, August 30, 2013

Get Fit For Friday ~ Something New!

Get Fit For Friday….Get Fit For New Things

This week’s challege is to try some sort of physical activity you haven’t tried before or haven’t done in a long time. Whether it is trying a Zumba or barre class or playing soccer, challenge yourself to do something completely different that you think you will enjoy!


We hope you all have a wonderful long weekend and enjoy the holiday! We have a group heading up to Lake George for a Half Ironman. We are very excited for the race and the extra day off to relax and recover from it! We wish everyone luck in the race and hope your hard work pays off! 

Articles you might enjoy reading:

Fruit breeders have new ideas

What zero calorie pasta? False!

Some tips to preventing the “Freshmen 15”

Get Fit For It,
D & K 

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