Monday, September 2, 2013

Motivational Monday ~ Appreciation Part 2 of 2

Motivational Monday ~ Appreciation Part #2

~Appreciation for yourself ~

This post is part two of our appreciation post. We first wanted you to recognize the appreciation we have for those closest to us and how they impact our lives. Now that you have appreciation on the mind and you have completed the exercise in recognizing what others have contributed to your life, we want you to look inward with the same mindset. Just as you had for all of the wonderful things you owe thanks to your friends, we want you to think about all the great achievements you do in your daily life and over the years. Our hardest critic is usually ourselves and we never give ourselves the benefit of the doubt. More frequently, we give ourselves a hard time for all the times we didn't meet our high standards for a task or project and we beat ourselves up over it. We bet that most of you wouldn't be able to recall the last time that you congratulated yourself for something or complemented yourself for your hard work or a job well done. You deserve some appreciation from yourself! You work hard everyday and you deserve some self recognition! This is why we have written this post. We want you to take the time to write down all of your accomplishments that you can think of in the past week. It doesn’t have to be superhero caliber or even award worthy. Just doing the laundry or fitting in a workout during a hectic day are accomplishments you should recognize. 

Take 10 to 15 minutes to think about all the things you get done each day, week and year and the hard work you put into each moment of your life. During this week, we want you to take less than 5 minutes before you go to bed and pat yourself on the back for something you are proud you did during the day. Again, it doesn't have to be the incredible but something that helped you succeed in life and bring you closer to making your dreams come true! Appreciate your mind body and life each day because it is something we should never take for granted.

Get Fit For It,

D & K

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