Monday, August 26, 2013

Motivational Monday ~ Appreciation (Part 1)

Motivational Monday ~ Appreciation Part #1

This week is part one of a two-part series focusing on appreciation. We hope to draw your attention in today’s post to those closest to you and all they do for you. In the midst of our hectic lives, we tend to lose track of the people we value the most because our minds are preoccupied with the craziness going on around us at that moment.

We ask you to take a few moments and think of the 3 nearest and dearest to you (friends or family) who you think knows you the best and would do almost anything for you. Take a blank piece of paper and draw three columns. Place each of the three names at the top of a column. Now, think about each of them individually and how they enhance your life. What is it about them that caused you to write down their name specifically? What are the things that they do or say that you are grateful for the most? Write down why you appreciate each of these people. It can be a couple things or as many as you can think of - but don't take more than a two minutes per person. You can set a timer if you need to so you don’t sit there frantically trying to make the longest list possible. The point of this exercise is not to measure quantity but to recognize the impact those that have a special place in your heart have on your life. Their influence and guidance shouldn't go unseen no matter how busy your life gets. By taking the time to think about what it is that means so much to you, you will find yourself realizing how much these individuals have changed your life for the better. Acknowledging your appreciation is the next step. Reach out to one or all three people and let them know you are grateful to have them in your life. It doesn't have to be something extravagant or time consuming, a text or short email will do the trick!

As you go through your daily routine for the week, think about your behaviors and thought processes that have been influenced by them and every time something comes up, take a moment to appreciate your growth and development due to these great people. We can learn so much from others and sometimes we don’t realize how much we have gained from until they aren't present in our lives anymore. Even if they are not directly affecting your life the same way, you can always reflect on the positive shifts you have made because of them.

Go out and celebrate with all your best friends! Have a great week!

Get Fit For It,

D & K

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