Friday, September 6, 2013

Get Fit For Friday ~ Navy Seals Style!

Get Fit For Friday ~ See if you could pass the SEAL Physical Standards Test (PST)


Today we challenge you to try and do the SEAL Team 6 PST. We understand that not everyone can do this test and we are not suggesting you push past your limit to try to meet them. We want you to use this challenge as a way to record what you can do. Record your results as you perform each exercise and bookmark this post so you can come back to it in a month or so and see if you have improved.


The PST:
15 Dead hang pull ups (if you cannot do pull ups, try assisted pull ups or dead hang for 1 minute)
Push ups in 3 minutes: 80
Sit ups in 3 minutes: 90
Air squats in 3 minutes: 100
3 mile run: 22 minutes

*We have put the number or reps or the amount of time that is required so you can see for yourself how hard those who serve our country have to work just to qualify for certain positions and teams.

Please have fun with this and make it your own challenge modifying for your body and then try it again in a month or two to see if your fitness has improved.

Articles you might like to read:

“Ancient” foods like mushrooms and quinoa may help you live longer

Hydrate for your marathon

Hip strengthners

A new diet book has been released

Have a great weekend!

Get Fit For It,

D & K

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