Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Workout Wednesday ~ Circuit Workout Worth Your Time!

Workout Wednesday

Are you ready for a tough workout? We hope so because we have a great training opportunity for you to try! Good luck and have fun!

Warm up: 2 rounds of 20 seconds
Bob and Weave
Side to side lunge
High Knees
Quick Feet - in/in/out/out

Set #1: 3 rounds of 30s intervals
Lunge Jump
Front back hop/jumps
Skater jumps            
Grass Hoppers

Set #1: 3 rounds of 30s intervals
Side to Side hops
Mt. Climber Hops
Squat Jax

Floor  intervals:
Pike w/ gliders
plank -knee to outside of elbow (alt leg)
Bridge-  one-leg lifts (L&R)
Set #2: Tabata
Sumo Squat hops
diagonal squat thrusters
mountain climbers

Set #3:
3 rounds:
20 Bicycle abs
20 Reverse crunches
20 Oblique twists
20 Crunches holding legs out at 45 degrees

 3 push up sets - Staggered, windmill push ups, Tricep

Stretch and Cool Down

Hope you enjoy the workout! Work hard and get it done!

Get Fit For It,
D & K 

photos by Drew Zukosky!!!

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