Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Motivational Monday ~ Evaluate your goals!

Motivational Monday ~ Evaluating Your Goals

Happy Monday! We hope you are up for a challenge this week because we are asking you to evaluate your goals. We want to make sure you are working towards something meaningful and fulfilling to you rather than searching for unattainable happiness. During the evaluation process, we want you to focus on three specific questions.

1. What’s the point?
2. Then what?
3. Why not now?

In order to achieve your goals, they must align with who you are. If your ultimate goal doesn’t bring meaning to your existence, you will either, never reach it or even worse, you will but it will not bring happiness to your life. If your goal doesn’t bring positivity of some kind into your life, why are you striving for it? (what’s the point?) Imagine yourself after you have reached your goal, what is your next step? (the then what stage) If you are just going to check a box and move to something new, is this a goal you really want? The last part requires you to break away from your excuses and think about what you are postponing until you meet your goal and see what you can actually do now. (why not now?) We often wait for the perfect time to do something, but in reality,no such thing exists. Rather than wait, act now.

Example: If you want to be rich, ask yourself "what’s the point?” Is being rich really going to make you happy or are you just going to want the next thing. What is the “then what?". If you already live simply and spend money wisely, why are you worried about money? If your goal is to have enough money to be happy and do things you enjoy, then why not live like that now? Spend reasonably now to make yourself happy!

Exercise: Make a list of things you ideally want in life. If you don't really know, what are you working towards/investing your time in? Spend at least 15 minutes and challenge yourself to question your goals in life and what you really want.

Get Fit For It,
D & K

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