Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Tunes Tuesday ~ Drew's Picks

Hi Everyone!

We are excited for a new month to begin! We encourage you to really set your mind on one goal and achieve it in the next month!!!

Today Drew has picked some great songs to add to your playlists!

Drew's Picks:
1. Don Omar - Haesta Que Salga el sol
2. Talay Riler - Fairytale

3. Hold you - Gyptian

4. Get Down - B44

5. Dance with me tonight - Olly Murs

Get Fit For It,
K & D

Monday, July 30, 2012

Motivation Monday ~ Thoughts from Kacie

Hi Everyone!

We hope that you all had a fabulous weekend with lots of laughter and smiles and maybe you got in some great physical activities in too :)

We created Motivation Monday to develop inspiration from within to motivate you through the whole week keeping you strong and confident and on track with your goals. Everyone has a way to motivate themselves in different aspects of their life and sometimes it is harder to find than at other times. It is during those difficult times that it is most important to have a plan that will assist you in achieving that inspiration to keep you on track.

Today's post is inspired by the incredible energy and encouragement that surrounded me during yesterday's triathlon. During a race, many people experience anxiety and uneasiness even fearfulness. As the race goes on, pain and discomfort might set in which can lead to thoughts of failure, disappointment and even the desire to quit. When this occurs, it is very hard to get out of your head and prevent the negative thoughts from taking over but everyone knows that this will only make you feel worse and create more thoughts of needing to quit.

Yesterday, the person experiencing the scenario described above was me. Before we started, I was nervous about how the race was going to go and once it started I had to gather myself and focus on each leg of the race as I completed it. With some minor setbacks during the bike, my mind started doubting my body's capability of completing the event. Focusing on minor discomforts, I convinced myself that I was going too slow and not going to make it. Drew, who somehow always knows when I need some motivation, immediately kept my head in the game, helping dissolve the negativity. This got me through the bike portion but after a poor dismount and transition to the run, I lost it again. As we started our run, I was getting more frustrated with myself because I was not my excited, "ready for more", "let's do it" person I usually am. This brought me down even more. At this moment, I realized that even the people who come across as the toughest and strongest may fall apart if they let their minds give up on themselves. Luckily, I had some external motivation to get myself out of my head and let my body do what it was trained to do. The question wasn't whether I could finish the course like I had hoped, because there was no doubt my body could do it. The limiting factor was my mindset and whether or not I was going to let my mind mess with my performance. Again, Drew was there for me as I was doubting myself and told me to focus only on my next step and my breathing. Letting go was quite the challenge but his encouraging words stayed with me and I held on to them as I centered myself, slowly cleared my mind and found my "happy place" again. 

I apologize for the length of the post  but I wanted to share a personal experience that demonstrated how everyone can lose focus sometimes but it is crucial to get right back on track without any hesitation. Do you think the Olympic athletes let frustration bring them down? They have to create a strategy to use when they encounter these negative thoughts so they can push through and successfully perform. What is important to understand is that the mind adapts and can be changed. You have the power to bring back the empowerment you once had. It is very difficult to do yourself in the moment, as I experienced yesterday, so my suggestion is to think about what really helps lift your spirits when you are feeling your worst and develop a strategy to re-focus your mind when it starts to doubt you. 

Get Fit For August - start thinking about what you want to get done this coming month and make a plan that will take you there! And Don't forget to build in a support system!

Challenge Accepted, 
D & K  

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Weekend Wonders ~ Last weekend in July!

Hi Everyone!

We hope you all are excited for the weekend! We recommend making it a good one since it is the last weekend in July! If you can, spend as much time outside and even in the water! Play with friends and family and have a great time while remaining active!!!!

Some articles that are very interesting:

Lactic Acid explained:

Over training and Fatigue:

Prescription for produce?

Strength-building exercises for runners and others.

Get Fit For It,
D & K

Friday, July 27, 2012

Get Fit For It Friday - Challenge Accepted!

Happy Friday Everyone!!!

Are you ready to challenge yourself today? In addition to your planned activities and routine today, try to include this challenge into your day as well. If you can't fit it in today try for tomorrow or Sunday.

This week's Challenge - Legs, Legs and Legs!

Leg Series: (Repeat the set as many times as you can today)

-One-Legged Squats ~ 5-10 reps per leg
-Lunge to Balance ~ 10 -20 reps per leg
-Sumo squat ~ 20 - 30 reps
-Squat hold ~ 30-120 seconds

*You can do this at work, watching TV, cooking dinner or at the gym. Try to do at least 3 rounds!

Get Fit For Great Legs!!!

Challenge Accepted,
D & K

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Take-In Thursday ~ Farro Salad

Hi Everyone!

Today, we would like to share with you a recipe come from the restaurant, Birdhouse, located in Minneapolis. We think it is a great salad for the summer and we hope you all enjoy it!

Farro Salad with Peas, Leeks and Pistachios
Recipe adapted from Ben Mauk, Birdhouse, Minneapolis

4 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, divided
Birdhouse1 cup farro
2 cups water
2 teaspoons salt, plus more to taste
½ cup toasted pistachios
1 leek, white and light green part only, thinly sliced
2 medium shallots, finely chopped
¼ cup plain Greek-style yogurt
Zest and juice of 1 lemon
Freshly ground black pepper
1 pound fresh or frozen peas, blanched
3 scallions, thinly sliced
2 tablespoons coarsely chopped tarragon leaves

1. In a medium saucepan set over medium heat, add 1 tablespoon of the olive oil. Add the farro and stir to coat. Continue stirring until the farro is lightly toasted, about 2 minutes. Add the water and 2 teaspoons salt and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to low and simmer until the farro is tender, 20 to 30 minutes. Drain through a fine-mesh sieve and spread the farro out on a baking sheet to cool.
2. Preheat the oven to 350°. Place the pistachios on a baking sheet and place in the oven. Bake until fragrant and toasted, 7 to 10 minutes. Set aside to cool.
3. In a medium skillet set over medium heat, add 1 tablespoon of the olive oil. Add the leek and shallots and cook until the leek is tender, about 5 minutes.
4. In a large bowl, whisk together the remaining 2 tablespoons of the olive oil with the greek yogurt and lemon zest and juice. Season with pepper. Add the farro, leek-shallot mixture, peas, scallions, pistachios and tarragon and mix to combine. Season with salt and pepper and serve

We hope it is something you can add to your favorites!

Get Fit For It,
D & K

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Workout Wednesday ~ Did somebody say cicuit training?

Hi Everyone!

One of the best ways to stay motivated mentally and physically is circuit training. If you are continuously changing up the exercises, your body and mind don't have time to get bored. Not only does circuit training keep you engaged in the workout, but it provides you with a high intensity, explosive, full-body workout great for strength, power and endurance building.
Today's workout:

Warm up: 30 seconds of each exercise
  • Jump rope
  • Torso twist
  • Jump Rope
  • Bob and weave
  • Jump Rope
  • High knees
  • Jump rope
  • Squats
Circuit: 30-90 second intervals depending on your fitness level. Try to do 2 or 3 sets. Start off with 30 seconds if you are not sure what you can do and do another set if you still have more in you. Increase the time during the second set if you think it was too easy. Try not to take more than 1 or 2 water breaks as you go through the circuit but please, listen to your body and take more if you need to.

  • Squat jumps (or squats)
  • Push ups (modified or plank)
  • Plank with Knee ins
  • Lunge Jumps (or lunges)
  • Skate Jumps
  • Shoulder push press with dumbbells
  • Windmill (or side plank holds)
  • Superman pulses
  • Burpees
  • Sumo Squat with Dumbbells
  • Dead lift & Bent over Row with Dumbbells
  • Reverse lunges & lateral raise with dumbbells
  • Push up & one-arm row
  • Russian Twist with dumbbell
  • Leg lifts
  • Hop to feet from lying on stomach
  • Standing chest push with dumbbells
  • Side lunges & bicep curl with dumbbells
Cool down and Stretch: Make sure to stretch your quads, hamstrings, calves, glutes, shoulders, chest, back and obliques.

Have fun with it and see if you can get some others to join you! Maybe you can even do the workout outside!!!!

Challenge Accepted,
D & K

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Tunes Tuesday ~ Kacie's Picks for the week

Hi Everyone,
We hope you are off to a great start with minimizing clutter from your life and focusing on your goals! Remember to find the support network you need so you can take on the challenges you will face to reach your goal. Drew and I have taken the opportunity ourselves to work on getting out some of the clutter in our lives and focusing on what must get done to accomplish our goals.

Today we have selected some songs for you to enjoy. We hope you like them!

Kacie's Picks of the Week:

1. Good Time - Owl City & Carly Rae Jepsen

2. Let's Go - Calvin Harris ft. Ne-Yo

3. Now or Never - Outasight

4. Settle Down - No Doubt

5. She's so mean - Match Box 20

Have a great day!!!!

Get Fit For It,
D & K

Monday, July 23, 2012

Motivational Monday ~ Minimize clutter!

Happy Monday Everyone!

We had a great weekend and hope you did as well! We are both back in Ithaca and back to our regular routine. It is time to get serious with the end of the month coming up and autumn just around the corner. Those summer goals you set need to get your full attention. If your goals are fairly large, break them down into smaller step by step goals so they become more manageable and accessible. You have what it takes to accomplish them, you just need to stay focused and motivated. Try to create a schedule for yourself so you are less stressed about what you need to do. Also, a support system is key to your success. Even if it is just creating an agreement with a friend that you will email them what you do everyday. With the help and support of others, anything becomes possible!

Many people also realize that when there life is full of clutter, physically around them and in their minds, it is harder to fell good about oneself and feel motivated to get things done. If you find yourself struggling to make progress with your goals, start by removing the clutter from your car, house and office. Just eliminating some of the clutter will help you feel less stressed and overwhelmed and more driven to accomplish your goals.

This week, we want you to focus on your goal that you believe is on the top of the priority list and develop a plan for how you will attain it. Also, create a support system including at least 2 different people. They do not have to play the same role but they both have to be assisting you in getting to your goals. We ask you to take 10-15 minutes of each day and try to remove some of the clutter surrounding you, if you can devote more time, even better!

You are strong, powerful, smart and beautiful - you deserve to reach your goals and you will!

We hope you are ready to tackle this week with full force!

Get Fit For Your Goals,
D & K

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Weekend wonders ~ July, July, July

Welcome Weekend!

We are excited to have the chance to spend all day outside being active and hanging out with our friends. Over the weekend, see if you can get outside and enjoy some fun in the sun with your closest friends and family. If it is hot where you are, see if you can find some water to play in even if it is running through a sprinkler.

Articles to read:

The First lady's tips to health.

Exercise helps your heart even if it isn't helping you lose weight.

Can you sleep yourself thin? Read this article and decide for yourself.

Get Fit For It
D & K

Friday, July 20, 2012

Friday's Get Fit For it Challenge of the Week

Happy Friday Everyone!

It is finally Friday again!!! This is our favorite day of the week because the weekend is about to begin and we get to add another challenge to our routine for the day :)

We encourage you all to take the challenge yourselves and add it into your daily plans today.

This Week's Challenge:

Throughout the day, do walking lunges for a one or two-minute interval. If you are at the office, every hour, on the hour, get up from your desk and do some lunges. If you are watching a TV show, get up and lunge during the commercial breaks or when you are walking around the house. Get creative with it and even get co-workers, friends and family to join in the fun!!!!!

Challenge Accepted,
D & K

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Take-in Thursday ~ 5-minute Homemade Hummus

Hi Everyone,

This week, Drew and I were craving hummus so we decided to make our own and of course, this happened exactly 10 minutes before we had to head out of the house. We threw some ingredients and spices into the food processor and in less than 5 minutes, we had a yummy batch of hummus! This inspired us to keep experimenting all week with different recipes to see what combinations work. We hope you enjoy our recipe and feel free to change it up to your liking and add in whatever spices and flavors you like.

Roasted Red Pepper Hummus

4 cloves are garlic
2 Tbs olive oil, for garlic
15-oz can of chickpeas, drained and rinsed
2 roasted red peppers, jarred and drained
2 Tbs olive oil
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp black pepper, coarsely ground
1 tsp crushed red pepper
1 tsp dried parsley
1 tsp dried basil
1 tsp hot sauce
dash of salt

1. Heat olive oil in a saute pan and add peeled garlic cloves cooking until browned.
2. In a food processor, add the chickpeas, roasted red peppers, olive oil and the spices. Add in the roasted garlic with any of the olive oil that is left in the pan.
3. Puree the ingredients until a smooth consistency is formed.
4. Serve immediately or refrigerate until ready to eat.

Have a great time experimenting on your own and try some fun, different recipes! We would love for you to share any recipes you come up with :)

Get Fit For It,
D & K

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Workout Wednesday ~ Hills!

Hi Everyone!

Today is workout Wednesday :) Take some time today to devote to working out no matter what is on your schedule, even if it is just ten minutes.

Today's Workout ~ Hill/Stair Repeats!

Warm up: 3-10 minutes depending on your time frame of marching, jogging or jump roping.

Main Set: Find a hill that will take you 2 minutes at least to get to the top and set a goal for the number of times you are going to run up it. If you only have access to stairs, do intervals on the stairs of at least 2 minutes. Give yourself a minute or 2 to recover as you come down the hill. This is an active recovery. Once you reach the bottom, immediately start up the hill again. Try to go as fast as you can up the hill (or during the 2-minute interval). Try for at least 4 intervals or even more :)

Have fun with it!!!!

Challenge Accepted,
D & K

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Tuesday Tunes ~ Drew's Picks of the week

Hi Everyone!

We hope your week is off to a great start! How was the meatless Monday challenge? Try to focus yourself and stay on track all week :)

To keep you motivated, Drew has picked some songs for you to check out.

Drew's Tuesday Tunes:

1. I'm All Yours - Jay Sean

2. Wide Awake - Katy Perry

3. Jar of Hearts (Remix) - Christina Perri

4. The One - Backstreet Boys

5. Heart Vacancy (Remix) - The Wanted

Have a great day!

Get Fit For It,
D & K

Monday, July 16, 2012

Motivational Monday ~ Smile today!

Hi Everyone,

We hope you had a fabulous weekend full of fun activities, friends and family! Drew and I are having a great time in Newport and are planning to go for a run and swim today. If it is nice outside where you are, take advantage of the summer sun and do something active outside :)

After a weekend full of parties and great food, take today as a challenge for yourself and go meatless.

Stay inspired and start this week off right.

"To unpathed waters, undreamed shores."
~ William Shakepeare

"It’s never too late to be what you might have been.”
 ~ George Eliot

“Inviting your creative inspirations into your consciousness alters the course of your life.”
 ~ Gail McMeekin

Challenge Accepted,
D & K

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Weekend Wonders ~ Fun in the Sun!!!!

Hi Everyone,

The weekend is finally here!!! I am excited to say that this weekend is one of the most eventful weekends of the year for me. Every year, my family holds a polo weekend filled with beach time, polo tailgating with gourmet food, beach bonfires and sailing... the list goes on and on. And this year, Drew is joining me for the fun in the sun! We will be doing lots of fun outdoor activities and we hope you all will be doing the same! Get outside and play with friends and family - call upon old friends from the neighborhood and get together for a Frisbee game or some throws.

For some reading in your spare time, here are some articles we found interesting...

Looking for the right type of bread to eat? Wondering about the different breads out there? Here is an article that discusses "the right loaf" if you have more questions, feel free to ask us.

What are you feeding your kids??? You might want to rethink the food you are giving them.

Nutrition is complex! Don't get frustrated just keep doing research and keeping an open mind

Beets are so good for you. Have you made anything with them lately? Get inspired from this.

Have a great weekend!!!

Get Fit For It,
D & K

Friday, July 13, 2012

Get Fit For It Friday ~ Challenge Accepted

Happy Friday!!!

We hope that you have had a wonderful week!!!! Before your weekend officially starts, try to complete the weekly challenge so are feeling strong and energized for a fun-filled 2 days off!

Today's Challenge:

It is time to work on your core!

Repeat as many times as you think you can do :)

1 minute of forearm plank
30 second bicycle crunch
30 second reverse crunch
1 minute side plank (Right)
1 minute side plank (Left)
30 second knee-ins
30 second leg lifts
1 minute bridge
1 minute superman or cobra
30 second crunch with legs reaching to ceiling
30 second Russian twist

Get to it and get it done!

Good luck :)

Challenge Accepted!
D & K

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Take-in Thursday

Hi Everyone!!!!

We are excited the weekend is almost here!!! This weekend we have a busy weekend. If you are as busy as we are, you will be happy to know this easy dish to create and bring to picnics and parties you are invited to.

Pasta salad serves about 6

1 box of whole wheat or whole grain penne pasta
2 (15-oz) can of chickpeas, rinsed and drained
1 pint grape tomatoes, sliced in half lengthwise
1 (12-oz) pkg of chopped frozen spinach, thawed and drained
1 cup carrots, shredded
1/2 cup red onion, finely diced
2 Tbs fresh basil leaves, chopped (optional)
1 1/2 Tbs Extra virgin olive oil
4 Tbs Basil pesto
salt and pepper to taste

1. bring a stockpot of water to boil. Cook pasta following the directions on the package.
2. While cooking the pasta, prepare all the vegetables and beans.
3.When the pasta is cooked, drain the pasta.
4. In a large bowl combine the pasta with the rest of the ingredients and stir together until it is mixed evenly.

This recipe can be made ahead and refrigerated overnight for the next day.

Enjoy!!!!!!! :)

Get Fit For It,
D & K

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Workout Wednesday

Hi Everyone!

Now that summer is in full swing, take the opportunity to get outside and workout out in the sun :) Make sure to ear sunblock so you don't get sunburned and have lots of water to prevent dehydration. Remember to hold your smile the whole time because you are having fun!!!!


Warm up: 3 round of 30-second intervals ~ jumping jacks, squats, high knees, jabs

Main Set:

25-20-15-10 Reps of the following:
-Push ups
-Lunge jumps (or lunges)
-Reverse crunches
-Bicycle crunches

3 Rounds of 30-second intervals with 10 seconds rest:
-Step ups
-One-arm Kettlebell swings (standing squat & back extension)
-One-arm Kettlebell swings (other arm)
-Box Jumps
-Forearm plank hold with hip twists
-Superman hold or cobra

1-minute intervals:
-Side Shuffle (Left)
-Side shuffle (Right)
-Run backwards
-Skip jumps
- grapevine (Left)
-Grapevine (Right)
-Butt kicks
-high knees
-Crab walk
-Bear crawl

Stretch for 10 minutes upper body and lower body

We hope you have fun with the workout routine!

Challenge Accepted,
D & K

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Tunes Tuesday ~ Time to Wake Up!

Hi Everyone,

Do you need a pick-me-up? This week's tunes are all about waking up and being awake :) Instead of the second cup of joe, try listening to one of these songs. We hope you enjoy the selections :) If you have any other favorites that fit the theme, send them to us, please.  

1. Wake up Call ~ Maroon 5

2. Wake me up before you go go ~ Wham!

3. Wide Awake ~ Katy Perry

4. Wake me up when September ends ~ Green Day

5. Don't Wake me up ~ Chris Brown

Get Fit For It,
D & K

Monday, July 9, 2012

Motivational Monday

Hi Everyone!
We are pleased to say we had a great weekend! 4th of July festivities were well celebrated all weekend long. Hopefully, everyone enjoyed some great laughs as well!

Currently, I am in Rhode Island spending quality time with my family. Although I am sad to be missing all the great times in Ithaca and the fun workouts with Drew, I am soaking up some sun rays and enjoying the ocean and the beach!! Drew will be holding down the fort but I will be sure to keep up the workouts while I am away :)

This week, we want you to think about someone you love, value, or look up to and dedicate your workouts to them. Last week, we had you think about someone who cares for you but this week we want you to hold an image of someone that means something special to you. Throughout the week, think of this person anytime you find yourself falling off your schedule. Think of the love you have for that person and let it carry you through whatever you are struggling to complete.

“Give the world the best you have and the best will come back to you.”
~Madeline Bridge~

“What do we live for if not to make life less difficult for each other?”
~Roger Bannister~

“One of the things I keep learning is that the secret of being happy is doing things for other people.”
~Dick Gregory~

“The circumstances of your life have uniquely qualified you to make a contribution. And if you don’t make that contribution, nobody else can make it.”
~Rabbi Harold S. Kushner~

We hope you motivate yourself this week and accomplish all that you can! You are fit for it!

Challenge Accepted,
K & D

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Weekend Wonders ...

Hi Everyone!
It is time for some fun in the sun and outdoor activities! This weekend try to get out and have some fun with a group of people playing a game or sport you love or go for a swim or walk a trail. Enjoy the land we are provided with and be social and active!

Caffeine may help us as we age and try to keep using our muscles so they do not atrophy.

 Serving blueberries at your 4th of July celebrations? Here is why they are so good!

Find nutrition guidelines confusing? Here is a different plate diagram that might work better for you.

Have a great weekend!

Get Fit For It,
D & K

Friday, July 6, 2012

Get Fit For It Friday ~ Challenge Accepted!

Hi Everyone!

With a big party weekend coming up, let's challenge ourselves today in preparation for it! Dig deep and find the motivation from within to kick it into gear!

Today's Challenge:
In honor of Independence day, we are making today's challenge, the president's challenge.

1. Aerobic Test: 1 mile walk or 1.5 mile run

3. Flexibility: Sit & Reach Test

4. Body composition: BMI & Waist Circumference

Take a look at the fitness test and test your fitness against it. Record your results and see how you do.

Challenge Accepted
D & K