Friday, April 26, 2013

Motivational Monday ~ Survival of the "Fittest"

Find Your Happy Place And Get 'er Done!

We have just come back from a weekend in NYC where we had the opportunity to see Jillian Michaels. Yes, she is the "toughest personal trainer" and a fitness guru but she is so much more! She is a motivating and inspiring woman who empowers and touches so many hearts. We can't even begin to convey the multitude of talents she has to offer.  If you are curious about Jillian, we recommend you listen to her Podcast.

This week's Motivational Monday is going to be something that is not directly related to Jillian's talk because I want to allow her powerful and moving messages to marinate in my mind before I touch on any of the discussed topics. Today, I want you all to channel your inner athlete and think about what it is that motivates you during a challenge or struggle. In that moment, what is it that can push you through the mental and physical barriers and continue on? So often this is the point where our minds convince us that it is better to give up. We start to question whether it is worth the effort and discomfort. With every ounce of our body working hard, it is easy to give into our minds' thoughts and stop whatever it is that is creating this struggle. If we can hang in there just a bit longer, we find that our mind and body settle surrendering to the current state. This is not a sign of giving up or giving in, but of acceptance. Once we have reached complete acceptance, we can relax and it starts to become easier. Without the resistance from our thoughts and bodies, we can find our true rhythm. I call this state, the "survivor mode" because the mind and body begin to block out everything but the task at hand. It is as if we are in a life or death situation and we are focusing on what needs to happen in order to survive. This experience is different for everyone but we can get there if we break out of our comfort zone and accept the challenge.

Take this week to think about what motivates you to push through your mind's desire to quit and try to experience your "survivor mode" during at least one of your workout sessions. It is much easier said than done! Don't get discouraged if it takes you a few times or longer to reach it. It takes time and practice to get there. Our bodies have amazing capabilities and with some work, we can witness firsthand!

Stay motivated and keep working at your goals!

Get Fit For It,
D & K

Photos from:,d.dmg&psig=AFQjCNEbyYjTyrH6TZjkpQZwqgclsD5m6g&ust=1366816361618004

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