Monday, June 3, 2013

Motivational Monday ~ Saying Goodbye

With over 10 of my dearest friends leaving Ithaca, I felt it was only appropriate to touch on the subject of saying goodbye. This post is not supposed to make you sad but bring a smile to your face as it reminds you of all the great memories of your own friends and family that have left you. I view life as a wave in the middle of the ocean moving up and down while moving forward. With the rolls of the waves, I believe our emotions follow in a similar pattern from tears to smiles and laughter. The times of loss can cause much turmoil internally and make us feel like part of ourselves is dying. During these moments in our lives, we must rest assure that if we continue to move forward, we are eventually going to reach another peak. It will be different from the last but will still bring joy and happiness. The transition from one trough to a crest can be challenging as we struggle with the changes that come with it. Immediately, we recognize all of the things we have taken for granted that are now gone. Often, it is only when we lose something that we realize how important it is to us, for example, Drew's Green Jacket.  It wasn't until he lost his jacket that he realized how much it meant to him. When it comes to saying goodbye to people who impact our lives on a daily or weekly basis, it becomes challenging to think of what life will be like without them and how we will get by. Like anything else, we will move forward and adapt. We must not think about saying goodbye as the end of a book but rather as an end to a chapter excited to see how the story will continue to grow and develop.

I could continue to talk about this for hours but instead I am going to leave with you a quote from Andy Bernard from the television series, The Office, "I wish there was a way to know you were in the good old days before you have actually left them."

Get Fit For It,
D & K 

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