Monday, December 16, 2013

Blog Location Change

Hi Blog Fans! 

We are excited to announce that we have now added our blog to our website! We will keep this blog for you to refer back to old posts but for future posts like today's Motivation Monday, please go to our website and click on out blog page. There is a subscription button  to get an email reminder when a new post is up so you don't have to worry about missing a post! Thank you for your continued support! Also, please pass our blog along to anyone that you think might enjoy it! :) 

Thank you,

Friday, December 13, 2013

Get Fit For Friday ~ Burpees

This week we are challenging you to do burpees. If you do burpees, you probably stick to doing the same amount each time. Today, we want you to change it up. Add two to five more to your typical set. This means if you usually do 10 burpees in a row, you do 12 -15 without stopping instead. Try to get at least 3 sets in throughout the day. What better way re-energize yourself during the work day than with burpees?


Articles to read:

Gift Ideas for Athletes

How to fuel for weight loss

30 sec exercise vs coffee

Get Fit For It,

D & K

Photos from:

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Take-In Thursday ~ Naan Bread

This week we wanted to share a recipe we found from the Culinary Institute of America. We know that any time we go out to a restaurant and we have naan bread, everyone can’t stop about how delicious it is and how it must be impossible to make. We thought we would provide this recipe so anyone who is interested at taking a stab at it can try to make it themselves. Maybe this will be your side dish for the holidays this year. Send in your comments to let us know how you liked it!

Naan Bread ~  makes about 8 flat breads
recipe courtesy of the Culinary Institute of America

  • 14 oz/397 g all-purpose flour
  • 2 1/4 oz/9 g instant dry yeast
  • 6 oz/170 g water, warm
  • 2 oz/57 g clarified butter, plus more as needed
  • 2 oz/57 g plain yogurt
  • 1 egg
  • 1 oz/28 g sugar
  • 1 1/2 tsp/5 g salt
  • 2 tbsp/12 g poppy seeds or black onion seeds
  1. Combine the flour and yeast in the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the dough hook. Add the water, butter, yogurt, egg, sugar, and salt and mix on low speed for 4 minutes. The dough should be very elastic but still wet.
  2. Bulk ferment the dough until nearly doubled, about 1 hour.
  3. Fold gently.
  4. Scale the dough into 3 oz/85 g pieces. Preshape the dough into rounds. (Work sequentially, here and in later steps, starting with the first piece of dough you divided and rounded.) Let the dough rest, covered, until relaxed, 15 to 20 minutes.
  5. Gently stretch each piece of dough into a round 7 in/18 cm in diameter, so that the center is in/6 mm thick and there is a border in/1 cm wide all around. Pull out one edge to elongate each round slightly, creating a teardrop shape.
  6. Place the breads on parchment-lined sheet pans, brush with butter, and sprinkle with seeds.
  7. Bake in a 425°F/218°C deck oven until golden brown and puffed, about 10 minutes.
  8. Cool completely on wire racks.

Get Fit For It,

D & K

photos from:

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Workout Wednesday ~ For The Crossfit Lovers Out There

If you like Crossfit, check this workout out!

This week we are providing you with a full body workout that asks you to push yourself taking little to no breaks during each round. Take a water break between each round and after 1 minute start up again. Try to keep your heart rate up throughout the whole set and challenge your strength. Make sure the weights you use are heavy enough to be a challenge. If you want to make this workout harder, double the number of reps for each exercise. Remember to modify where needed and never stop smiling!


Warm up: Repeat 2 times
20 Arm circles
20 Jumping Jacks
20 Alternating lunges

1 Round of
10 jumping pull ups or assisted
10 decline crunches
10 deadlifts
10 box jumps

2 Rounds of:
10 burpees
20 Dips
15 barbell Chest Press
15 Back flies
10 Bulgarian lunges on each leg
15 shoulder press

2 Rounds of:
20 squats
15 chest flies
15 Bent over back rows
20 sumo squats
15 Bicep curls
15 tricep kickbacks
10 side bends on each side

Stretch for 5 minutes

Feel free to share what you did or a photo of your workout.

Get Fit For It,
D & K

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Tunes Tuesday ~ MIKA

This week Drew provides us with his second round of MIKA selections he thinks that everyone should hear at least once. Take a moment and check them out. The first one is very catchy!

Drew’s MIKA selections:
1. Love You When I'm Drunk
2. Heroes
3. Stardust
4. Tah Dah
5. Live Your Life

Get Fit For It,
D & K

photos from:

Monday, December 9, 2013

Motivational Monday ~ Finding your true potential

Pushing to your limit 

We want to start today’s post with a quote from Eleanor Roosevelt.

“Do one thing every day that that scares you”

Take a few moments and see what thoughts and feelings come to your mind. Often we read a quote and do not take the time to fully let it sink in. We want you to get the most out of this quote and focus on the message it is conveying. It can be nice to live our daily lives without risks or doing anything that might make us nervous or fearful. Somehow life seems more predictable and easier to control if we never step outside our comfort zone. Although it comes across as the best way to live, we are missing out on so much! Not only can we experience and learn more but we can also seize opportunities that can lead to growth, development and success we never could achieve without going for something that scares us. This week we challenge you to read this quote every morning and do something that scares you each day for the next 7 days. Write each one down and reflect on your choices to see how beneficial they were to you. Free yourself from this false sense of security and find your true potential! Only after you see what you are capable, will you understand how much more you can do!

I want to take a moment to wish my business partner the best of luck for his first day of work at his new job! There is no doubt that you are going to be amazing Drew! Remember this quote as you start this position and know GFFI supports you!  :)

Get Fit For It,

D & K

Friday, December 6, 2013

Get Fit For Friday ~ Upside down


Today we challenge you to select the inversion of your choice and hold it for a total of 3 minutes. If you can only hold the pose for 30 seconds, do you three minutes in sets throughout the day. Here are just a few examples of poses you can try - handstands, forearm stands, head stands, shoulder stands and legs up the wall. Remember to be careful doing these exercises, protecting your head and neck from being harmed.


Articles to read:

Get Fit For It,
D & K

Photo from:

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Take-In Thursday ~ Omelets

This week we thought we would provide you with a recipe that will help you serve breakfast easily and help get rid of your leftovers. The best part about this recipe is that you can substitute any vegetables or side dishes that you have in the fridge to use as the filling. Have fun with it and try different mix-ins!

Leftover-stuffed Omelets
serves ~ 6 ppl

6 eggs
3 egg whites
1/4 cup water
1 1/2 cup vegetables (leftover side dishes- try anything from broccoli, carrots, spinach, asparagus even brussel sprouts)
1 Tablespoon olive oil, divided

Place medium non-stick ceramic skillet (or any skillet you have) over medium-high heat
Add a teaspoon of the olive oil and coat the pan.
In a large mixing bowl, add the eggs, egg whites and water. Whisk together.
Once the oil is warm, add a third of the egg mixture to the pan. Layer in a thir of the vegetables covering the egg mixture. Let the eggs cook until they are almost completely cooked and then flip the omelet over to finish cooking.
Remove from the heat and cut in half. Hold in the oven until ready to serve.
Repeat steps 4 and 5 two more times.
Serve and enjoy.

Let us know what fun combinations you come up with and post a photo of it for everyone to see!

Get Fit For It,

D & K

photos from:

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Workout Wednesday ~ Supersets arms

Today's workout is an arm workout focusing on the bicep and tricep muscles. We have created a routine that has exercises alternating between biceps and triceps hoping you can do the whole set without rest. You will need a pair of medium weights to perform the exercises.

Arm Supersets  ~ 8 reps of each exercise
Hammer Curls
Overhead Tricep Extension
Regular Curls
One-arm Tricep Kickback (do both sides)
Wide Curls

Rest for 1 minute after performing the set. Repeat two more times

Stretch for 5 minutes

Get Fit For It,

D & K

Photos from:

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Tunes Tuesday ~ Florida Georgia Line

This week we are hoping to introduce you to some songs you may not have heard by Florida Georgia Line that we think you should add to your playlist! Also, check out their performance at the AMA's before their big win here.

Kacie’s Florida Georgia Line picks

1. Get Your Shine On
2. Cruise
3. Here’s to the good time
4. Tip It Back
5. Dayum Baby

Get Fit For It,
D & K

Photos from:

Monday, December 2, 2013

Motivational Monday ~ Staying Positive

Finding the silver lining

We can never be sure of what life will bring us. We try to do as much as we can to calm our nerves and feel as though we are the one in control of our situations but it is not possible. We allow ourselves to justify our actions to prevent any mental breakdowns that might arise from our inability to understand the inner workings of life. Just as each person seeks out explanation for the things we cannot explain in the world, whether it be through prayer or meditation or science, we do this for our own thoughts and behaviors. No one wants to live with confusion, frustration and unfair circumstances. We have to come to terms with the fact that life isn't fair, not everything can be explained or go according to our plan. The unknown and uncertainties in life can be viewed negatively or positively. Since there is nothing we can do to control this, why not take the "glass half full" approach and find the positive in each moment of our lives and take everything we can learn from our experiences so we can step forward with our best foot forward being as prepared for what is to come as we can. Life is challenging and a continuous learning opportunity. It is what we choose to do with what we learn and experience that will allow us to benefit the most and live our true fate. This week we ask you to think about how you think about the hard times in life and how you react to the times when life doesn't go according to your plan. After acknowledging your response, see if you can focus your attention to seeing the good that can come out of each situation and how you can learn from it to help you accomplish your life goals and dreams in the moments to come. The future is has yet to be written and you have the power to influence it even if you cannot control it. Stay positive and never give up. If you ever start to get aggravated or lose hope, remember the saying, "when life brings you lemons, make lemonade". We may not have the ability to control life but we do have the ability to control how we think and act in response to what occurs around us. Try a new approach this week and see if you experience a different outcome.

Get Fit For It,
D & K