Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Workout Wednesday :)


We are almost halfway through the work week!!!!!!! As we start to get eager about this weekend, let's also try to stay focused and deal with the moment at hand. Today, encourage yourself to work hard and push yourself beyond your comfort zone to maximize your results!

Today's workout:

Set #1:  3 rounds of 1-min intervals  
1. Crab walk w/ dips
2. Rotational Lumberjack w/ MB (10/side &switch)
3.Spider walk/ Backwards bear crawl
4.1-leg deadlift w/ row (w/dumbbells)
5.Push ups
6. front & reverse lunge same leg (10/s & switch)

Set #2: 3 rounds of 30 seconds intervals  
1.  Woodchop w/ wt or MB
2.   Mt Climbers
3. Chest Push w/ sumo squat
4. Plank
5. Burpees
6. High Knees

Remember to modify as needed and change any exercise if you want to work something different. Interval times can be adjusted as well. You can increase or decrease the time as needed.

Push hard during this workout and you won't feel so bad enjoying a piece of candy tonight ;)

Challenge Accepted,
D & K

Photos from:,i:7&tx=106&ty=65,i:7&tx=81&ty=90

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Tunes Tuesday ~ Kacie's Dance Party Picks Week 1

Hi Everyone,

We hope that everyone is doing alright after hurricane Sandy! Our thoughts and prayers are with all of those who suffered from destruction!

Today is Tunes Tuesday and I want to share with you some of my pump up music. This week and next Tuesday will be my 2-part party selections for you to add to your playlists.

Today's Picks:

1. Basshunter - All I Ever Wanted

2. Basshunter - Saturday

3. Enur - Calabria 2007

4. David Guetta - Crank it up

5.Jay Sean - Hit the Lights
If you like these, keep your eye out for next week's picks too :-)


Get Fit For It,
D & K

photos from:,r:7,s:0,i:157&tx=48&ty=69

Monday, October 29, 2012

Motivational Monday

And another week begins...

We hope everyone had a fun filled Halloweekend! We had a work filled weekend but had some good laughs nonetheless!

Today, we dedicate our Motivation Monday post to a dear friend of ours who has just lost a family member. It is never easy losing someone close to you that you care deeply for. Sometimes life throws us curve balls we are not ready for, yet we must continue forward and persevere. We never know how strong we are until we are tested by the unexpected twists and turns of life. As the hard times get harder, many of us want to throw in the towel and give up. This may seem the easier route but it is unrealistic and unproductive. We do not have the ability to control everything that happens around us but we can control how we respond to it and the steps we take after the fact. We must hold on to the joy and love we have in our hearts during our moments of sorrow or weakness and push through the pain and struggles in order to make our way back to that happy place. No one said it would be easy and no one said it would ever be the same as it once was, but it will be okay. I am lucky to have so many loving, optimistic friends that are always looking for the silver lining on a situation. I am very grateful to have such inspiration surrounding me all the time. This past weekend, it was my turn to return the positive support to one of my dearest friends. I am so glad I was able to be there for them to remind them that "this too shall pass".

We ask you to find motivation and positivity to follow in even the hardest of times. Hold strongly to loving memories and the support around you and continue on your desired path no matter how difficult it might seem to do. This week, make an effort to think about all the wonderful things in your life that you might take for granted but would truly miss if it were gone tomorrow.

Stay positive, take deep breathes and hug someone you love!

Get Fit For It,
D & K

Weekend Warrior ~ Halloween is Here!

Hi Everyone!
We hope you are enjoying your weekend so far! Drew and I have a very busy schedule this weekend between teaching fitness classes, training clients and catering.Although we will be running around, we still have plans to have some fun to celebrate Halloween as well! We hope that you all have a bit more time to relax and celebrate the spooky holiday coming up. Have fun with it and decorate, dress up, make fun & crazy food, whatever makes you feel like a kid again. Take photos and send them into us - we love to see great costumes (especially if you are working out in them) and of delicious food!

We will be giving away a prize for the best costume and the most creative food photo that is sent in. Get creative and send them in!!! Good Luck and may the best idea win!

If you are looking for some articles to read, we have found some that you might like.

Why you do not need crunches to work your abs
Going from a marathon to ultra-distance running

Four fall soup recipes:

Have a great weekend,

Get Fit For It,
D & K

photos from:

Friday, October 26, 2012

Get Fit For Friday ~ Stretching is as important as your workouts!

Finally Friday has arrived!!!! 

This week it felt like Friday would never come but, at last, it is here! We hope that you have some fun Halloween activities planned for this weekend! If you are around the Ithaca NY area, the weather is supposed to be great for some fun outdoor adventures. Make sure to plan to be outside to enjoy the great weather while we still have it! But before you get into the fun weekend mode, try to get one last workout in and try to complete our challenge of the week!

We challenge you today to take 20 - 60 minutes and devote it solely to stretching. Remember to hold each stretch for at least 20 seconds.This can include a yoga class but make sure the class is more of a stretching class than a strength class. Often, we neglect our stretching routine due to lack of time, boredom or pure exhaustion from our hard workout but we must realize how important it is for our muscles to stretch. Stretching our muscles allows them to recover faster and helps prevent injuries. If you want your body to keep working for you for many more years, take the time to stretch! Lengthening the muscles keep your body limber and move more efficiently and effectively.

Remember, stretching doesn't have to be boring - chat with a friend while you stretch, watch a tv show you really enjoy or listen to some great tunes (maybe even some of our tunes Tuesday picks). Have fun, take care of your mind and body and always smile!

Get Fit For Fridays!

Challenge Accepted,
D & K

photos from:

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Take-In Thursday

Happy Thursday!

Today we wanted to share with you a fun and seasonal treat that you can make for your friends and family for Halloween! It has a nice sweet taste that we think everyone will enjoy :) We found the recipe from the Tasting Table Test Kitchen Series. We have provided the recipe below for you to look at and see if you want to try it for yourselves! We hope you have some fun preparing them and the rest of your creative halloween dishes.

 Today's Recipe:

Maple-caramel popcorn balls from the Tasting Table Test Kitchen

--Maple-Cider Popcorn Balls

Simple pleasures, such as hot cider on a crisp morning or a still-warm cinnamon-sugared donut, are often times the best ones. We took some of our favorite fall-time flavors and rolled them into one sticky snack: the popcorn ball. Kettle corn gives these balls that perfect sweet-salty crunch, while puffed cereals adds a light, airy quality. But what makes these popcorn balls truly special is the maple-cider caramel that we whisk into the melted marshmallows. It’s total crunchy-sweet satisfaction.

Maple-Cider Popcorn Balls

Recipe from the Tasting Table Test Kitchen
Yield: Nine 3-inch popcorn balls
Cook Time: 30 minutes
  • 1½ cups unsweetened puffed rice cereal
    1½ cups puffed Kamut cereal (or substitute puffed rice cereal)
    ½ cup puffed millet cereal
    7 cups store-bought kettle corn or freshly popped popcorn (preferably kettle corn-style, lightly buttered or unflavored)
    ¾ cup apple cider or juice
    ¼ cup maple syrup
    6 tablespoons unsalted butter, divided
    ¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon
    ¼ teaspoon coarse sea salt
    6 ounces marshmallows (either 3 cups mini marshmallows or 3¼ cups jumbo marshmallows)
1. Preheat the oven to 350°. Generously coat the interior of a large bowl with nonstick cooking spray. On a rimmed baking sheet, place the puffed rice, puffed Kamut and puffed millet, and bake in the oven until fragrant and toasted, about 10 minutes. Set aside to cool for a few minutes and then transfer to the greased bowl. Add the popcorn and use your fingers to combine.
2. To a small saucepan set over medium-high heat, add the apple cider and maple syrup and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to medium-low and cook until the maple-cider mixture produces thick, foamy bubbles and the temperature on an instant-read thermometer is 250°, 12 to 15 minutes (you can also test the temperature by dipping a metal spoon into the hot maple caramel and then submerging it in ice water; after 5 seconds, you should be able to press the bit of cooled caramel into a soft ball). Turn off the heat and add 2 tablespoons of butter, whisking to combine, then whisk in the cinnamon and salt.
3. While the maple-apple cider mixture caramelizes, melt the marshmallows: In a medium skillet set over medium-high heat, add the remaining 4 tablespoons of butter. Once melted, add the marshmallows and reduce the heat to medium-low, stirring occasionally until the marshmallows are melted, about 3 minutes. Use a rubber spatula to scrape the maple-cider caramel into the marshmallow mixture, whisking to combine. Immediately scrape the marshmallow-maple caramel over the popcorn mixture and use a wooden spoon to thoroughly combine. The mixture will become very webby.
4. Immediately use the nonstick cooking spray to generously spray your hands and form the mixture into nine 3-inch balls, respraying your hands as needed to prevent sticking. Place the popcorn balls on a baking sheet and set aside for least 1 hour to set up before eating.

We hope you enjoy!

Get Fit For It,
 D & K

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Workout Wednesday ~ Straight leggin' it

Hi Everyone!

The week is quickly slipping by, how have you been doing with your health and fitness schedule? Today is the day to get back on track or continue pushing through the hard work you have been doing. This workout we designed for one of our clients that had runner's knee and wanted to workout but not aggravate the injury by bending the knee. We challenge you to try it and see if you think it is tough enough for you! Do want you need to do to modify for your fitness level, whether it be doing less or more! Good luck and have fun!

Today's #TrainingOpportunity:
             -Equipment Needed: mat, dumbbells (M), gliders, MB

Warm up: 3 rounds of 30 sec

-Jumping jax
-Opp arm- leg touch w/ leg lift
-Standing Russian twist w/ MB

Set #1: 2 rounds of 20 reps or 30s sets

-One-leg Dead lift w/ wt
-leg lifts - Front, Side, Back
-Inch worm
-Plank walk w/ ft on gliders

Set #2: 2-3 rounds of 30s

-Standing torso twist
-L-L-R jabs then R-R-L jabs

Partner work: 1-2 rounds of 20 reps
-Side cross-pivot throws w/ MB (both sides)
-Overhead throws w/ MB
-Back-to-back russian twists w/ MB
-Plank/Pushup claps

Table Top series: (both sides) 30s or 20 reps

-Opp arm/leg hold
-Straight leg back lifts
-Side leg lifts
-Back to side swings w/tap or no tap

Mat Work: 45-60s holds or 20 reps

Forearm to hand plank
Forearm plank with leg lifts (10/side)
Boat pose w/ twist-hold center switch
Forearm plank w/ knee ins (10/side)
4-step leg lower/lifts

In&Out Scissors
Pike w/ Gliders
Straight leg on floor crunch up
Alt V-ups (w/ wt)

Finish the workout with 3 sets of pushups (pick 3 different variations)

We hope you have a great workout!

Challenge Accepted!

Get Fit For It,
D & K

Photos from:

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tuesday Tunes ~ Drew's Twift Picks

Guess what happened yesterday? Twift’s highly anticipated album, Red, came out! Since I’m a huge Twift fan I decided to give you guys five of my favorite picks (one from each of her four albums and a bonus pick from Red). Enjoy!

1. Red (Album: Red)

2. 22 (Album: Red)

3. Speak Now (Album: Speak Now)

4. Fearless (Album: Fearless)

5. Our Song (Album: Taylor Swift)

Monday, October 22, 2012

Motivational Monday

Good Morning Everyone!

We hope you had a great weekend! Congrats to everyone who completed an event! Take today to recover and plan your workouts for the week. Remember stretching and foam rolling are both as important as the training and nutrition! Take the time to recover, rest and heal your body.

Today, we want to help you get through the frustrating times in your life where you feel overwhelmed with work, "to-do's" and life itself. Do you have a stressful week ahead or is there a big decision you must make soon? You are not the only one that is struggling with big life decisions, changes or stresses. Keep in mind that life will always have it's ups and downs but it is how we push through the downs and appreciate the ups that makes all the difference!

Drew found this fun article over the weekend that we want to share with you. We hope you enjoy it!

Instead of stressing over all that you have to do, make a list of all that needs to get done and prioritize it. Then, start with the first item on the list and just try to accomplish one at a time and not worry about the rest until the first is complete. Take a break to keep your mind clear and alert - go for a walk, workout, meditate ... whatever helps you regain your sanity!!! Keep up some of your routine, because something is better than nothing!

Take a deep, calm inhale and now, exhale slowly.
Challenge Accepted!

Get Fit For It,
D & K

Friday, October 19, 2012

Weekend Warrior! Good Luck fellow Tough Mudder Participants!

Hello Weekend!!!!

Good Luck to everyone participating in a race! I am participating in my 3rd Tri-State Tough Mudder today with 2 other friends and some others coming from different states. Today's photos are personal photos from previous Tough Mudders we have participated in that we wanted to share with everyone! Hopefully there will be some fun ones after today to add to the collection :)

If you are not out there racing this weekend, see if you can create your own race, event or challenge that you can do with friends or family. Whatever it is, make sure you never stop smiling and never give up!


Here are some articles for you to read if you have some down time and want to read...

Skipping breakfast may cause you to crave fatty foods:

What is the perfect Food Label?

This weekend we leave you with a quote to hold onto and think back at when the going gets tough.

“Courage is the commitment to begin without any guarantee of success.”
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Get Fit For It,
D & K

Get Fit For Friday! Challenge Accepted!


Friday is a special day for many of us because it marks the end of the week and the beginning of the weekend. In Get Fit For It's world, Friday marks a #TrainingOpportunity! Friday is the day with an added challenge, mental and/or physical, we must break through and accomplish before our weekend can start.

Today, we present to you a challenge  Drew loves to do!

The Challenge:

The 3-Minute Pushup Challenge - How many can you do in 3 minutes?

If this seems too easy or short for you, add in more time or do multiple sets. Remember you can do different types of push ups to add to the challenge and always remember to drop to your knees if your form becomes compromised.

In addition to push ups, you can challenge yourself to other 3-minute challenges, such as, wall sits, pull ups, handstands... you name it!

Have fun and get it done!

Get Fit For Friday!
Challenge Accepted,
D & K

photos from:

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Take-In Thursday ~ Quinoa Smoothie

Happy Thursday!

We can't believe it is already Thursday! The weeks keep flying by! We encourage you to keep up all the great work you have done this week and never stop.

Today, we are sharing a quinoa smoothie recipe with everyone. It is a great vegan recipe for someone looking for a nutrient-filled smoothie. It is a great recovery drink for after one of your hard workouts too!

Quinoa-Berry Smoothie

1/2 cup cooked quinoa
3 oz tofu
1 Tablespoon Chia Seeds
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 cup vanilla almond milk
2/3 cup frozen fruit of choice (Blueberry-strawberry mix)
1. Cook quinoa according to thedirections on the package.
2. In a blender, add all the ingredients and blend until smooth. You may want to add some additional ice for a thicker consistency.
3. Serve and Enjoy!

Why is This Drink A Great Post-Exercise Snack?
This is a great recovery food after a workout because of its rich nutrient profile. It has lots of carbohydrates to replenish your glycogen stores in your muscle cells including a whole grain source from the quinoa. It also has adequate amount of complete protein from the quinoa and tofu to help build and repair the muscles you just worked and broke down. The chia seeds provide omega 3 fatty acids to help reduce inflammation and the fruit, blueberries in particular, are rich in antioxidants and assist in the recovery process.

We hope you have a great day!

Get Fit For it,
D & K

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