Friday, June 28, 2013

Get Fit For Friday ~ V-ups!

Thank Goodness It's Friday Everyone!
Today we invite you to join us to welcome the weekend with V-up crunches!!!! Set your clock for one minute and count how many V-ups you can do. See if you can fit in 3 sets throughout the day.

Core Challenge!
Set #1: 1 min = ____ V-ups
Set #2: 1 min = ____ V-ups
Set #3: 1 min = ____ V-ups


Articles you may be interested in:

Sunscreen for Athletes:

Obstacle course mishaps:

Are your easy runs too hard?

Hip pain:

Get Fit For it
D & K

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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Take-In Thursday ~ Vegetarian Meat Pie

Vegetarian Meat Pie

This week's Take-In Thursday is a vegetarian recipe inspired from the Spartan Food Of The Day post. We have made a few adjustments to it. We hope you enjoy it!

Vegetarian Meat Pie
servings ~ 10

Spice Mix:
3 whole eggs
3 Tbs olive oil
1 cup cooked lentils
1 Tbs paprika
1 tsp ground black pepper
1/2 tsp red pepper flakes
1 tsp chili powder

The pie:
1 Tbl olive oil
4 cloves garlic
1 medium white onion
1 Tbs soy sauce, low sodium
12 oz can of tomatoes
1 cup vegetable broth, low sodium
3 cups cooked lentils
2 medium potatoes, cubed and steamed
4 Tbl of the spice mix from above

1. Preheat oven to 350F
2. Steam potatoes and set aside
3. Put all of the spice mix into a food processor or blender and blend. Then set aside for later.
4. Place 1 Tbs olive oil in a Sauce pan and heat at med-high heat. Add the garlic and onion and stir 2-3 minutes
5. Continue to add ingredients from the ingredient list mixing well.
6. Cook for 5 minutes and then add the spice mix stirring well.
7. Place in a glass oven-safe baking dish and spread potatoes on top .
8. Bake in oven for 45 minutes .
9. Serve dish.

We Hope you enjoy it!

Get Fit For It,
 D & K

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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Workout Wednesday ~ Legs & Butt

Our workout for you this week is all about the lower body! We hope you enjoy it!

Workout Wednesday

Warm up:
              Jumping jack
              Side lunges
              Jump rope
Tabata set #1: 8 Rounds 20s on/10 off (total of 2 rounds per exercise) 
              Squat Jump
              Skate Jump
              Tuck Jump
              Lunge Jumps

Tabata set #2: 8 Rounds 20s on/10 off
              Reverse lunge kicks

Table Top Series: 2 rounds of 30s/side
              Donkey kicks
              Side lifts
              Back lifts
              Arm/Leg pull in

Tabata Set #3: 8 Rounds 20s on/10 off
              Squat to side kick (alternate legs)

2 Rounds of 15 rep sets:
              1-leg squats
              1-leg deadlift

Tabata set #4: 8 Rounds 20s on/10 off
              Box jumps or step ups

2 Rounds of 15 rep sets:
              Bridge with leg lift (15/side)

Cool down nd stretch for 15 minutes

Get Fit For It,
D & K

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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Tunes Tuesday ~ Kacie's 6 Picks

Today I have selected 6 songs for you all to check out and listen to. I hope you at least discover one or two new songs that you enjoy.

Kacie's Picks of the week:

Boyslikegirls - 5 minutes til midnight

SR-71 - Right Now

Fall Out Boy - Thanks For The Memories

With Your Love - Cher Loyd

Trouble Maker - Olly murs

Ellie Goulding - need your love

Get Fit For It,
D & K

Monday, June 24, 2013

Motivational Monday ~ Progress

Today we ask you to welcome progress. Take the time to read this post, think about it and write down thoughts or ideas that pop into your mind due to reading it. Try to remember this as you continue on your day, week and years.

Most motivational platitudes can be applied to growth and development in fitness and in life. After all, isn't fitness just a great metaphor for perseverance and achievement? Today I was thinking about the hard-to-conquer "all or nothing" mentality (aka the "if my diet isn't perfect all the time I might as well eat cookies and candy all day" mentality) and how it can be a double-edged sword: frequently motivating or all too debilitating. 

Trying to conquer this mentality got me thinking about a great piece of advice that I try to follow in my life: Make immediate, deliberate steps to achieve your goals- big or small. Sounds simple, right? Not in the slightest.

This little rule can be applied to anything you do- whether it's skipping that candy bar in the checkout line or making moves at work to advocate for career development. Little steps are hard to make, though, especially when surrounded by big roadblocks. However, as long as you're inching towards your goal, achievement is inevitable.

Slow progress is still progress and, at the end of the day, progress is something to be very, very thankful for.

Get Fit For It,
D & K

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Friday, June 21, 2013

Get Fit For Friday ~ Bicycle crunches


We hope you all have a great weekend planned! We are planning on doing lots of fun summer activities, including a potluck, trail run, picnic at the park and much more. Find some fun activities to do outside and get to it!

Today's challenge is to add 50 bicycle crunches into your day. You choose the number of reps you do at a time and whether you do it all in one sitting or throughout the day :) Have fun with it - maybe convince your co-workers to join in the fun over lunch break!


Articles you might enjoy:

4 Rope Exercises

Are You Running Too Much?

Juicing Basics

Speed Workout For Swimming

Get Fit For It,
D & K

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Thursday, June 20, 2013

Take-In Thursday ~ Bok Choy Stir Fry

Happy Thursday! Friday is just around the corner :) This week's recipe is a bok choy recipe that is simple but can be made more complex if you wish to add more veggies or spices to it. We hope you enjoy it and take the opportunity to try and create your own spin on the recipe.

Bok Choy Stir Fry

4 cups of bok choy, sliced
1 Tbs fresh ginger, minced
2 cloves of garlic, minced
2 red bell peppers, sliced into strips
1 onion, sliced
4 carrots, sliced
1 lemon, juiced
1/2 Tbs sesame oil
1 Tbs vegetable oil
1/2 tsp crushed red pepper
1 tsp dried parsley
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Place a large skillet over medium-high heat. Once it is hot, add vegetable oil to pan and let heat up.
2. Add onions and saute for about 2 minutes. Add carrots, red pepper, ginger and garlic. Let cook for another 4-5 minutes stirring occasionally.
3. Add bok choy and stir. After a minute, add lemon juice, sesame oil, and spices. Let cook for another couple of minutes, or until vegetables are cooked.
4. Salt and pepper to taste and serve.

Get Fit For It,
D & K

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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Workout Wednesday ~ Isometric Challenge

Today we are asking you to try and do some isometric holds and repeat for as many rounds as you can handle! This will be a mental challenge as well as a physical one. Good luck and remember to stay safe and modify as needed.

Workout Circuit:
30s-60s handstand or headstand (free standing or against the wall)
60s dead hang (from pull up bar)
3- 5 pull ups or bent arm pulses
60s chair sit or squat hold
20 squats
60s hollow hold
10 leg raises
60s plank
10 push ups


Tweet @Getfitforit with pictures or comments

Get Fit For It,
D & K

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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Tunes Tuesday ~ Kacie's Picks

Hedley - One Life Lyrics

Tunes Tuesday ~ Kacie's 5 picks for the week!

We hope you enjoy these 5 selections this week. Listen to them and let us know what you think of them.

Kacie's Picks:

All Time Low -Hello Brooklyn

Flavor of the week - American Hi-Fi

Get Fit For It
D & K

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Monday, June 17, 2013

Motivational monday ~ Building Your Risk Capital

Happy Monday!

We want to take a few moments to inspire you to build your risk capital. We hope you make an effort to work on this over the day, week and rest of your life...

Taking risks can be good or bad, but either way it's important to be comfortable being risky.

A wise self-help guru (totally blanking on the name) once called a way to achieve this level of comfort as building your risk capital, i.e. being risky in small stakes, low risk situations to be ready for the big leagues. There can be several ways to build your risk capital, whether it be flirting with a stranger online (strange, I know, but true) or sharing an unformed idea with a friend for feedback. Expanding your comfort zone- personally, professionally, in fitness, etc- can be extremely beneficial (and knowing how to do so is even more important).

If it helps, ask yourself "what's the worst thing that can happen?" (and then ask yourself "really?" because I don't think 99% of scenarios will end in homelessness and/or death). If the worst thing that happens is causing a little tension or losing a little time it may just be worth it.

If you feel a little nervous AND really excited about something (nerves are good, people!) then it's probably worth pursuing. So go out, venture for success, be bold, and embrace risks- all the greats do it, why can't you?

Get Fit For It,
D & K

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Friday, June 14, 2013

Get Fit For Friday ~ Warrior I, II, III

Get Fit For Friday ~ Warrior I, II, III Sequence

Today we challenge you to hold each of the three warrior poses for at least 1 minute each. If you can, try to hold each for 2 minutes and repeat 2 other times throughout the day.


Articles you may want to read:

3 Steps to a Panic-free Tri Swim

6 Tips For Biking To Work

What Happens When You Run a Marathon Without Proper Training

To Eat Or Not To Eat Before A Run

Get Fit For Friday,
D & K

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Thursday, June 13, 2013

Take-In Thursday ~ A Kale recipe from our CSA program

Today we would like to share a recipe we received with our CSA share this week to park ideas for how to use the items we received. Sara provided us with this recipe using Kale. We plan to try it out. We hope you all take the opportunity to try out something different. Here is the recipe of the week.

Kale & Potato Pie

1oz butter, plus more for greasing
1 ½ kale
1oz plain flour
½ pt milk
1lb potatoes (boiled & mashed)
Sea salt and freshly ground pepper

Preheat oven to 450F or preheat a hot grill. Butter a heatproof dish.
Cook the kale in a pan of boiling salted water for 3-5 mins, and then drain well. Layer the bottom of the prepared oven dish with the drained kale.
Melt the butter in a pan over low heat, add the flour and stir in. Cook gently for a few minutes to make a roux (cooking mixture of wheat flour and fat), and then stir in milk to make a smooth white sauce. Season and pour over the kale and then smooth over the topping of mashed potatoes. Place in the oven or under the grill just long enough for the top to brown.

Created by Sara from Full Plate Farms

Get Fit For It,
D & K

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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Workout Wednesday ~ A great yoga routine for athletes from our dear friend Emma

Today we are excited to post a yoga sequence from our yogi friend Emma! She has been featured on our blog before but we can never get enough of her or her workouts :) Please check out her blog and follow her at Joy Of Yoga.

The last of the sequence requests is being rolled out today in the form of Yoga for Calf Muscles.  The requester didn't specify whether she meant strengthening or stretching, so I went for both! If you need stretching, the strengthening parts might be a bit rough, but you can always skip those. As with every yoga practice, it's a smorgasbord-- take what serves you and leave the rest behind.

As an aside, this is also a great sequence for hikers, runners, and waitstaff. Enjoy! 
  1. Vajrasana (Diamond Pose)
  2. Gomukhasana (Face of Light Pose)
  3. Garbasansa (Child’s Pose)
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 on other side
  5. Cat/cow in table pose
  6. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose)
  7. Step through to low lunge
  8. Bend and straighten back knee, letting it just hover about the floor
  9. Vinyasa to repeat on other side
  10. Low lunge, bending and straightening front leg
  11. Try taking hands off of floor and onto hips to continue bending and straightening
  12.  Vinyasa to repeat on other side
  13. Uttanasana  (Standing Forward Fold). 1-2 minute hold, taking variations as you like
  14. Inhale to lift to all the way up, exhale to take a Sun A
  15. Meet in Downward Dog
  16. Lift your right leg to come into three legged dog
  17. Come up onto the ball (or even tippy toes) of your *left* foot. Exhale to lower heel toward floor, inhale to lift heel into air again. Repeat a few times.
  18. Exhale right knee to nose in jack-knife, inhale back to three legged dog
  19. Repeat 3-5 times
  20. Exhale to place the right foot forward in between the hands
  21. Warrior II
  22. Triangle Pose
  23. Vinyasa  to repeat steps 13-22 on the other side
  24. Come onto the back
  25. Supta Padangustasana (Reclined Big Toe Pose)
  26. Supta Trivikramasana (Reclined Vishnu Pose)
  27. Urdhva Mukha Paschimottanasana (Upward Facing Fold Pose)
  28. Gentle supine twist
  29. Savasana

Take care of your body and do what is best for it!

Get Fit For It,
D & K

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Tunes Tuesday ~ Laura Stoke's Picks

This week we are excited to have some song selections from a dear friend, Laura Stokes. She is a great GFFI fan and blog follower and we are happy to have her as a guest appearance! Thanks Laura :)

Laura's picks of the week:

Freaks- French Montana ft. Nicki Minaj

Get Lucky- Daft Punk

Get Me Bodied- Beyonce (Timeless workout jam)

Heart Vacancy (DJs From Mars Remix)- The Wanted

Enjoy these songs!

Get Fit For It,
D & K

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Monday, June 10, 2013

Motivational Monday ~ Being Your Own Advocate

We hope you have all had a great weekend! We are starting the week off with some words of wisdom from Drew about being your own advocate. Please read the advice he has to offer you.


Something that I'm very thankful was taught to me at an early age is being your own advocate. Being armed with the tools and, more importantly, the mentality to be your own advocate is paramount to living a successful life. Aka knowing how to get what you want by expressing that want.

One of Get Fit For It's friends has a horrible boss. This horrible boss piles on unmanageable amounts of work, micro-manages her time, and belittles her ideas/achievements (three of the absolute worst practices for effective leadership). I proposed speaking to her about it, or at least anticipating her behaviors and arming herself with responses that she could reply immediately (without taking the time to think about them on the spot, get nervous, and maybe bite her tongue). But a wise woman (Eleanor Roosevelt) once said, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent", and this friend was allowing her boss to treat her this way by not effectively being her own advocate.

Yes, sometimes people can go overboard and be an obnoxious brat about getting their way (aren't we all guilty of this sometimes? Oh, just me… ?) but not enough advocacy is equally annoying. Have you ever hung out with that person that just "goes with the flow" uncompromisingly and, after a while, you start to lose sight of who they really are and what they really like because sometimes they just do things to appease the masses. One of my pet peeves, for sure.  Just tell me what you want so we can compromise!

Usually, people flock together because of their commonalities in opinion and/or activities, but differences are okay. People often think that being a "yes man" and agreeing all the time or being "so sorry" when they disagree is the way to behave, but true friends neutrally accept differences.

Whether it's verbalizing a workout you want to do/try or asking your boss for that time off you've been yearning practice being your own advocate! Start small, think big.

At the end of the day, the old adage is true- the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

Get Fit For It,
D & K

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Friday, June 7, 2013

Get Fit For Friday ~ Bridge Pulses


Happy Friday! We cannot tell you how excited we are for the weekend. We both have been very busy this week and our weekends are fully packed as well. We are very happy to remind you that starting next week, our outdoor circuit training classes begin! Check out our poster for more details!


Today is Get Fit For Friday meaning we must present a  challenge for you to try and incorporate into your day. This week our challenge is 3 sets of bridge pose with pulses. We want everyone to try and do at least one minute for each set. If that is not challenging enough, hold each set for longer.

             Challenge: 3 sets of Bridge hold with pulses

We hope you have fun with the challenge and enjoy the weekend! Get outside if you can and get moving!

If you are looking for some articles to read, check these out:

Is your brain running on coffee?

Comfort Eating? Perception about fat...

Stress and pain affect sleep,0,6093693.story

Get Fit For It,
D & K

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Take-In Thursday ~ Easy salad to complement your dinner

Today's recipe is a great summer salad that takes no time at all to prepare and tastes great!

Spinach Salad With Fruit, Almonds and Balsamic Dressing

12 oz fresh baby spinach
1/2 seedless cucumber, thinly sliced
1/4 red onion, thinly sliced
1 orange, peeled and sliced
1 cup blueberries
1/4 cup slivered almonds
2-3 Tbs balsamic vinegar
3 Tbs olive oil
Salt & pepper to taste

Mix the first 6 ingredients together and toss with the oil and vinegar. Salt and pepper to taste. Serve immediately. If you rather a store bought dressing, try to choose a natural brand.

We hope you enjoy this recipe :)

Get Fit For It,
D & K

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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Workout Wednesday ~ Repeat 4 or more times

Today's workout is an inspiration from a challenge our friend suggested we try for a week. Instead of a week, we only ask for you to do it today. Because we are limiting it to one day, we want to add the challenge of repeats. Rather than doing the exercises once, see if you can do them 4 or more times. You can take breaks between sets and always modify when needed!

1 minute wall sit
1 minute plank
20 squats
10 push ups
10 bicycle crunch

*Repeat as many times as you can

Get Fit For It,
~Your favorite Ithaca trainers ;)

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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Tunes Tuesday ~ Graduation songs

To continue the theme of graduation and saying goodbye, we thought it would only make sense to pick 5 favorite graduation songs. Drew, the graduate, has kindly taken the time to pick 5 of his top graduation songs. We hope you enjoy them!

Drew's 5 graduation picks:

1. Vitamin C - Graduation

2. Puff daddy - I will be missing you

3. Sarah McLachlan - I will remember you

4. Cher Lloyd - Oath

5. Green Day - Good Riddance

Hopefully these songs bring back great memories and make you remember all the great times you have had with your friends and family.

Get Fit For It,
D & K

Special shout out to all the Cornell graduates here in Ithaca, NY - you will be missed!

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Monday, June 3, 2013

Motivational Monday ~ Saying Goodbye

With over 10 of my dearest friends leaving Ithaca, I felt it was only appropriate to touch on the subject of saying goodbye. This post is not supposed to make you sad but bring a smile to your face as it reminds you of all the great memories of your own friends and family that have left you. I view life as a wave in the middle of the ocean moving up and down while moving forward. With the rolls of the waves, I believe our emotions follow in a similar pattern from tears to smiles and laughter. The times of loss can cause much turmoil internally and make us feel like part of ourselves is dying. During these moments in our lives, we must rest assure that if we continue to move forward, we are eventually going to reach another peak. It will be different from the last but will still bring joy and happiness. The transition from one trough to a crest can be challenging as we struggle with the changes that come with it. Immediately, we recognize all of the things we have taken for granted that are now gone. Often, it is only when we lose something that we realize how important it is to us, for example, Drew's Green Jacket.  It wasn't until he lost his jacket that he realized how much it meant to him. When it comes to saying goodbye to people who impact our lives on a daily or weekly basis, it becomes challenging to think of what life will be like without them and how we will get by. Like anything else, we will move forward and adapt. We must not think about saying goodbye as the end of a book but rather as an end to a chapter excited to see how the story will continue to grow and develop.

I could continue to talk about this for hours but instead I am going to leave with you a quote from Andy Bernard from the television series, The Office, "I wish there was a way to know you were in the good old days before you have actually left them."

Get Fit For It,
D & K 

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